
2015-08-02 │ H1Z1


我们已经有了一套可以对抗作弊者并且让生存服的建设更加吸引人的一套建筑系统. 我在过去几周一直在设计一个可以让原有旧系统更合理的系统. 我还一直在和我们的UI团队合作为喜爱基地建设的粉丝推出一个更有实质性进展的系统.

We"ve had several competing (and sometimes confusing) systems implemented to combat cheaters, as well as to make construction in survival more robust and appealing. I"ve spent the last several weeks ironing out some new systems, streamlining old ones, and working with our UI team to make some substantive improvements for our base building fans.

目前的基地设计要求想要在别人基地旁边建设玩家和基地所有者进行组队. 在组队状态下,别人的基地里放东西,摧毁东西,基本上拥有和基地所有者一样的权利. 那么问题来了: 如果在组队条件下,我不希望某一个玩家拥有和我一样的对我基地的控制权怎么办? 另外一个问题也来了:我丧失了对我自己物品的所有权,因为别人可以把门拆了拿走我的物品. 最重要的一个问题: 所有队员不可能长期在线, 当一个队员不在线你就不能对你的基地进行任何建设.

The current construction design on our live servers requires people wanting to share building tasks to join together in a group. While in the group, players can build on each others’ structures, demolish them, and generally have full control over the bases of any player in their group. One of the issues here is obvious: what if I don’t want player XXXX to have 100% control over everything I’ve built in the game? Another issue is the simplistic way the permissions are being done, which means that anyone in the group has access to all items (due to being able to use a demo hammer) in short order. The final issue is that groups are not persistent, and lead to frustration when players cannot build while the owners of structures are offline.

我们会用一个长期的公会系统来代替组队系统,这样就可以解决前面的问题. 即便这样,还会有些问题存在.所以我们设计了一个十分成熟的系统, 它允许更加精细的基地控制,还会保护基地所有者避免受到"要么拥有所以,要么什么都没有"的公会系统的天然特性的侵害.

We were going to replace the group system with a persistent clan system, which would have solved the latter problem. However, the other problems would still be unsolved. Instead, we chose to implement a fully-fledged and extendable permission system. This will allow a much more granular control of bases, and will protect the base owners from the majority of bad outcomes due to the “all or nothing” nature of either groups or clans.


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