收获日2【The Big Bank Heist】DLC介绍

2011-10-16 │ 收获日

收获日2【The Big Bank Heist】DLC介绍

收获日2【The Big Bank Heist】DLC介绍

购买后能解锁并开启目前为止PAYDAY2最大的一张地图The Big Bank Heist,1把武器,4个面具,4种材质,4种花纹以及10个购买后能够供玩家解锁的成就

炸鸡叔以新的合约人——牙医的身份出现,为玩家提供The Big Bank Heist的合约

以上为BIG BANK,目前最大的一张地图,也是目前为止唯一一个提供多种计划供潜入和突突突的地图

以上为BIG BANK DLC为玩家提供的一把主手武器,名为Falcon,需达到42级解锁使用


以上为BIG BANK DLC带来的4个面具,从左到右分别为The 1st,The 18th,The 16th

和The First American


以上第一排为BIG BANK DLC带来的4种花纹,分别为:Ruler,Roman,God of War


第二排为BIG BANK带来的4种涂料,分别为:Exhausted,Gemstone,Parchment和Clay


最后是BIG BANK DLC带来的10个成就


Don*t Bring the Heat(勿带热潮):

In the Big Bank job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm. Unlocks the CQB Stock for the Falcon rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,在不触警的情况下完成任务。完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“CQB Stock”)

12 Angry Minutes(暴走の12分钟):

In the Big Bank job, complete the heist in under 12 minutes on the Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the Wooden Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,在12分钟内完成任务,难度要求至少为Hard。完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“Wooden Foregrip”)

You Owe Me One(你欠我个人情):

In the Big Bank job, start the Big Bank job after having spent all 10 favors in Pre-planning. Unlocks the Retro Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,于预计划阶段花光全部10点的资助点。完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“ Retro Foregrip”)

Don*t Forget to Floss(别忘了牙线清牙!):

Complete the Big Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty.(在Death Wish难度下完成BIG BANK)


In the Big Bank job, complete the heist with 12 bags in the default escape with the all lasers active. Unlocks the CQB Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,在选择默认逃跑地点且不解除任何镭射传感器的情况下,带走12个战利品包。完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“CQB Foregrip”

It Takes Two to Tango(一个巴掌拍不响):

In the Big Bank job, hack the correct computer on the first try. Unlocks the “The First American” mask and the Tactical Grip for the Falcon Rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,仅尝试一次就辨别出了正确的电脑。完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“Tactical Grip”和面具“The First American” 。)

It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig(以猪杀猪):

In the Big Bank job, drop Floyd the pig on top of an enemy. Unlocks the “The 1st” mask and the Extended Magazine for the Falcon Rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,将装有钻机的小猪从塔吊上丢下并砸死一个敌人。完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“Extended Magazine”和面具“The 1st”。)


Sweet Sixteen(16岁的花季):

In the Big Bank job, complete the heist having secured 16 bags. Unlocks the “The 16th” mask and the Marksman Foregrip for the Falcon Rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,在带走16包战利品的情况下完成任务,完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“Marksman Foregrip”和面具“The 16Th”。)

Backing Bobblehead Bob(重返苦逼Bob):

In the Big Bank job, bring Bobblehead Bob to the vault. Unlocks the “The 18th” mask and the Wooden Stock for theFalcon rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,将Bobblehead Bob带进金库,完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“Wooden Stock”和面具“The 18th”。)

*所谓的Bobblehead Bob就是BIG BANK宣传片中的那个苦逼主角,游戏中为一个平民NPC

Funding Father(资财之父):

In the Big Bank job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Bill mask each. Unlocks the Marksman Stock for the Falcon rifle.

(在BIG BANK中,以你和你的队友戴着BIG BANK四个不同的面具的情况下,完成任务。

完成这个成就会为Falcon步枪解锁配件“Marksman Stock”。)

收获日2【The Big Bank Heist】DLC介绍

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